So we had quite the farewell in Auckland. It sure was bitter sweet. More bitter than it was sweet. We were excited to get on with the trip but sure are going to miss everybody we came to love in New Zealand. It was like a party at the airport with the Crouches and the Vos Family (another family we got close with) and a few friends... We had bought the Crouches some sweet gifts that all had personal jokes and ate lunch in the airport with everybody. It was so fun. The best part was Ole Brad Crouch (the Pops) crying his eyes out because he loved us and was going to miss us. We miss him already and the rest of the family. We love you guys! Anyways, after the goodbye we were off to Sydney. We ended up having to buy a visa and once we got there caught a train into downtown to kill some time. It was funny, because we had a few friends in New Zealand that were going to hook us up with somebody in Sydney but we thought, well we'll only be there a few hours so we won't bother. So we are sitting downtown in the harbor and Rhetts like..."It feels kind of weird going somewhere and not getting hooked up.." Well right after we said that, we looked over and there were the Elders! They were out street contacting. So we called them over and chatted for a bit, then I called at some guys sitting next to us, and asked them if they had ever talked to the missionaries before, and introduced them to the Elders. Then the Elders went over and taught them for about ten minutes, and I guess the lesson went good cause they sure were happy and offered to buy us dinner. We declined again and again, but finally gave in. They took us to get Kebabs.... Its like a greek burrito. Oh man, it was the greatest thing I have ever eating. Rhett and I couldn't believe we almost turned them down! The Elders were way cool and we walked around a bit street contacting with them, then took the train back to the airport about ten. We sleep on the airport benches and in the middle of the floor with a sheet. Probably the worst night sleep I've ever had. The flight to Bangkok the next morning was nice, and we arrived bright eyed and bushey tailed. Kind of.

Oh ya, I shaved my head

The Opera House

The Harbor Bridge
Sydney looks beautiful by night...
Wow. Glad you arrived safely. Love the hair Austin. Keep the pictures coming we love them. Be safe. Love Mom
Well said.
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