So really its not fair... Seriously. I don't know what we did to get hooked up so much and have so much fun. I think its Rhett and his righteousness! Well, we caught the midnight train to Chang Mai on Friday night. It was nice. We had our own beds with curtains for privacy. We pretty much just stayed in our beds the whole time reading and sleeping. It was about a 14 hour train ride, and we were glad to get off. Once we arrived in Chang Mai we teamed up with some gals from England and went off to find a place to stay. The place they were staying was a little too pricey for us ($14 a night). So we found a place for like 3 bucks a night that was way ghetto and dropped off our bags and went out to explore. We decided to rent a scooter and we went around the city and up to a Wat, or a buddhist temple, on the top of this mountain over looking the whole city. It was super fun, and we enjoyed weaving through traffic and climbing the mountain road. On our way back we decided to find the church and once we did, we changed hotels to a place right by the chapel. The Elders told us of a good burger place and we both ordered huge bugers and sandwiches. SO good. We took the bike back and went to bed. We were exhausted. Sunday morning woke up and went to church. Church was good, in Thai, but we had translators to dish out some English for us. At church we met the Perry Family. One of the coolest families ever! They are from Sandy Utah and honestly just decided to take a year and move to Thailand to play and do whatever. Tom (the dad) served in Thailand on his mission so he spoke perfect Thai. Well, we met at church on sunday and next thing we know we are all off eating family dinner together and out exploring waterfalls and hill tribes out in the boonies on sunday afternoon. It was awesome. Monday they took us to an Elephant show where we got to ride Elephants through rivers and jungles! Then we went to the snake show and watched these gnarley thai guys dodge deadly snakes! SO scary! After they dropped us off we went to a Muay Thai Boxing Match downtown. It was awesome. It lasted from about nine to midnight and we saw a few really good fights. The 90 pound fight was just a couple of kids pissed at each other and going at it. Then the main fight was gnarley... two Thai guys were both really good and really aggressive, with lots of good combos and knockdowns it was really entertaining. The best part was watching the betting Thai crown go nutts when the guy they were betting on was winning. They would scream and yell and punch and kick the air. It was so funny. After the fight we just went home to bed. The next day the Perry family took us up to Pai, about 3 hours north east of Chiang Mai, and we rented scooters/motorcycles and went off exploring in the Thailand mountains. Oh man, it was SO fun. Rhett had a couple gnarley crashes and Christa the daughter fell once, but other than that we were all safe. It was funny cause when Rhett was test driving his bike right at the beginning his bike was in second gear, not first...and it was semi automatic, so he gave it some gas, but it would really go, so he really goosed it, just thinking that the throttle was weird, and WHAM! Off he went! Right into a wall! He knocked half of it over! Haha, it was pretty funny except for how he tore his arm up. Its was pretty gnarley and his arm looks gross. Then he and I were racing up this small mountain road and as soon as we were coming down a truck came around the corner and I barley made it past, but I forgot to tell Rhett not to use your front brake to much in the dirt and BAM! Over he went again. Poor guy! haha...his knee got jacked that time. That was his first time riding a motorized bike of any kind so it was pretty funny. The trails were pretty tough too. I almost lost it a couple times, and once coming down a hill tried to downshift to 2nd but the bike stuck in neutral. I couldn't slow down with my brakes fast enough and was honestly just about to fly off the cliff into a lake before at the last second I jammed it down into first and slid out of it. All in all we all had a blast and were dead tired. The next day we all healed and I went swimming with Kevin at the public pool. Then caught the Midnight bus back to Bangkok. Now, we're at the Judds again planning out our next adventure. It was just so awesome that we got to meet the Perry's and end up feeling like family going off on adventures together. They are so awesome... "Nun Le Ti Cow Pood!"

Rhett's Knee

Rhett's Arm... You should have seen the wall! Seriously, he smashed it!

The picture isn't as cool as the view. You could see the Mountains through the trees... it was quit a sight


Dinner last night before we left. Kevin and Christa. Kevin doesnt have down syndrome, he just was pulling a face. haha

Okay, we were sitting right where that snake got out! They would like throw them at us. I dont know.. I was freaked. The snakes kept getting out too... The whole time during the show they would remind us that one bite with some and we die... But not to worry cause they take us hospital...

Muay Thai Boxing...The blue shorts guy actually won despite getting knocked the .... out

Pai motorcycle trip

We found this waterfall pool place. SO fun. You could slid down the top of the rocks into the pool. We had a blast. There are more falls and pools in the rocks that you cant see...

Elephant ride.... 12 bucks

"One bite...he die...mos dangawus cobwa in Thailan"

Look at those fangs

The elephant would take off the hat and put it on your head...

Washing the beasts. Dude, we serisouly heard one roar louder than any lion or tiger you would ever hear. It was nutts!

Elephants are amazing... Here the were all playing harmonicas in their trunks and dancing around by moving their heads and feet and waving their trunks..

The soccer ball flying through the air was kicked by that elephant. They had a soccer match. It was sweet.

Ya, they even can paint. Our was painting a tree, some painted elephants and flowers and crazy modern art.

Another waterfall we went to on Sunday

Scooter ride!

Buddhist Wat

View of Chiang Mai from the Temple