We rode with the Judd's to their office today and while we were walking there, I looked to the side of the road and saw this guy. Austin wanted to eat him once they told us that Thai's eat these things.

He came from the same island King Kong came from.

The Subway system is pretty sweet in Bangkok. By the way, Monday is yellow shirt day in Thailand.

Look guys, I'm healing!
Poor Rhett
I love the look on Iris's face behind you Austin! That is too funny!
Hey My Sons,
You guys crack me up! I hope you ate that guy Austin, escargo is good stuff. Sorry I have been off-line so much, but my job, the new house and the play keeps me pretty busy. I am working nights this week, so I have some time to write you. Ran into Sister Wishart (Auntie) at the play and she said to say "Hi" and she loves you! Looks like you are healing Rhett, and I hope your rash has subsided. Glad to hear you guys have plans to make it to China. Do you think you'll have funds to make it to Europe? It is really expensive there and the dollar is taking a beating to the Euro. You'll have to hit up your sister Whitney if you need money to come home, ours is locked up in the house, but the Walks have TONS of money. Justin Bird says "Hi" and that he is SO jealous. I told him to stand in line. Hey my sons, keep the faith and keep smiling.
Love, BBK
I'm sure photo proof of your healing wounds will make mom feel better :)
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