Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Egypt! We arrived in Cairo and found a cheap hostel. (Our cheapest hostel was $1.75 each per night!) That night we took a boat ride on the Nile River and then the next day caught a subway out to the Pryamids. From there we caught a bus out to the Sinai and snorkeled the Red Sea!! The coolest thing ever! Then from there we caught a ride up to the Israel border! Check it out. Sorry the order is a little Whack...

Rhett and the Red Sea

This picture is cool because there is just a little hole in the middle of this reef off the coast. So Rhett just jumped down into what you would think would only be a foot of water... then disappeared... Pretty Cool..

I think this guys name was Ali... if not, what could fit better?

Pryamids in Giza

We take what we can get

I tried to steal this guys camel... but then got a little spooked cause I couldnt get it to slow down! I had to just aim for a hill so it would finally slow down....


Julie said...

Besides stealing camels, are you robbing banks???? I do not know how you guys are managing this phenomenal trip on your budget!

Unknown said...

hahahah this is my favorite set of pictures! be safe, i love you both.

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only there were sound...
I would have loved to hear Rhett laughing as the camel ran away with you Austin! That picture cracked me up.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing adventure!!! How did you meet Ali??? - Love, Mom-Carol

LynnEl Springer said...

Wow! What great pictures!! You guys as skin and bones tho - are you eating anything? I love the Egypt pictures - and the picture of Old Jerusalem is incredible. You guys should be photographers! And how your mothers can stand having you be gone all this time is beyond me! I would be freaking out! Have a great time - and come home safe! - from Stacey's mother!

Big Billen Kahuna said...

You guys are sooo crazy LUCKY and blessed! I am so envious you got to snorkle in the Red Sea and ride camels. Austin those tourist shorts gota go! You guys crack me up!
The Big Kahuna