A thrilling travelog of Austin Walk and Rhett Billens trip around the World!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Nachal Yehudiya
So we heard of this hike in the middle of the Galilee by some kids we met on a bus and decided to go check it out. What we found was unreal! Its this 4 hour hike down into this canyon in the lower galilee. The Jordan River runs through it and you just go explore down this canyon. There are tons of waterfalls and pools and the trek requires you to climb down waterfalls and swim across these pools to keep going. You have no choice but to get completley wet. We got there too late the first day and couldnt hike and didnt want to spend money to go back to town and find a hostel... so we just slept in an Israeli park... Yup, we made our beds in the middle of some tunnel slides on a playground. Probably the worst night sleep either of us have ever had! Haha, but the next morning was well worth it!!
My Sons, Glad you are safe and having the time of your lives. I bet you appreciate scouting now. Thanks for the pics and keeping us informed - it makes things smoother around the house.
Wow, Greece! I love it, Enjoy the meat emphasis (- should make up for our house) oh maybe that is just the restaurants. They seriously love heavy meat meals there, big wads of lamb or ? and on the side slices or tomatoe, feta drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. I was like - I'm from New Zealand bring me vegetables right now! My digestive system would just attack itself after a week. In Athens you can buy baklava in the market place, really cheap, really sweet, make sure its dripping with honey. It is such a delicious treat. My mum is an ancient history buff and I took her up to the Parthenon. It's so amazing to stand there and look out to sea, you just can't help but see into the past.... I don't know if you know much about the ampetheatres, but they are everywhere and so fascinating, there is one next to the Parthenon. There are certain spots where you stand and the sound is naturally amplified. The theatres were built around them. We were there in Jan, and it was so cold my teeth were chattering. Don't forget to try the baklava. Tag on to a tourist group with a guide on the way up, then you get to hear great info. Also the artifacts in the museum up top blow your mind. Also in the square not too far from the Parthenon are large busts of the Greek philosophers, I thought as I studied their features...these men, did they know how valuable what they shared was? Picture with Socrates pls - unless you left already. There is so much meaning in the simplest things like the art and architecture, Becky learned heaps about it when she studied classics.
My Sons,
Glad you are safe and having the time of your lives. I bet you appreciate scouting now. Thanks for the pics and keeping us informed - it makes things smoother around the house.
Wow, Greece! I love it, Enjoy the meat emphasis (- should make up for our house) oh maybe that is just the restaurants. They seriously love heavy meat meals there, big wads of lamb or ? and on the side slices or tomatoe, feta drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. I was like - I'm from New Zealand bring me vegetables right now! My digestive system would just attack itself after a week.
In Athens you can buy baklava in the market place, really cheap, really sweet, make sure its dripping with honey. It is such a delicious treat.
My mum is an ancient history buff and I took her up to the Parthenon. It's so amazing to stand there and look out to sea, you just can't help but see into the past.... I don't know if you know much about the ampetheatres, but they are everywhere and so fascinating, there is one next to the Parthenon. There are certain spots where you stand and the sound is naturally amplified. The theatres were built around them. We were there in Jan, and it was so cold my teeth were chattering. Don't forget to try the baklava. Tag on to a tourist group with a guide on the way up, then you get to hear great info. Also the artifacts in the museum up top blow your mind. Also in the square not too far from the Parthenon are large busts of the Greek philosophers, I thought as I studied their features...these men, did they know how valuable what they shared was? Picture with Socrates pls - unless you left already. There is so much meaning in the simplest things like the art and architecture, Becky learned heaps about it when she studied classics.
where are you not planning on visiting?
yO bROTHa GivE me A CalL....you like my font, good than give me a call there is more where that came from.
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