Imagine yourself walking down a normal city in Asia. Flea markets, buses, trash, and people everywhere. Wild dogs roaming the streets and all of a sudden you see something out of the corner of your eye. You think its a bird up on a street sign, but when you look, its a monkey! All of a sudden your eyes wander and you see hundreds of monkeys all over the streets, the signs, the buildings....EVERYWHERE! Haha, well, thats Lop Buri. Given the name "Monkey City" known world wide, this dirty little monkey infested town brings in thousands of tourists each year. This year it brought us. It was so rad! These cute little monkeys everywhere just waiting to pick your pocket. Every seen the movie Monkey Trouble? Well they ain't lying. If you let those monkeys on your back for a second they'll have their hands in your pockets and around your neck shyst'n whatever they can get their hands on! The only thing is supposedly some of these monkeys are infected with rabies, so one bite and you're off getting a very unpleasant shot. I think that makes most of the tourist keep their distance from them. I guess they don't bite... but if they do, its their aggresion because of the rabies so you better watch out!

The van ride from Bangkok. Two and a half hours... 3 bucks each.

The pride and joy of Lop Buri

This guy would jump off the wall onto my backpack then jump back to the wall. Then I'd move a little further and he'd jump again. Then a little further, and further... It was sweet

They seriously are everywhere

You can only see three in the picture, but I had 5 monkeys on me! I was just praying I didn't get bit! haha

When you get too many on you you just start spinning really fast and they jump off! Thats what I had to do. They stole a tooth brush out of the side pocket!! haha It was Kevin's bag... Sorry man... Oh ya, the guy behind me had two on him and was freakin out so bad he didn't realize they stole his necklace and sunglasses! Haha, it was so funny. Some Thai guy was chasing the little theif trying to get the glasses back. I saw him the next day in Bangkok and he had his glasses!

The ruins in the city are pretty cool too...

This is like the central where all the monkeys hang out and people come and feed them and stuff....

One almost bit Kevin earlier so it was a little sketchy. The bigger ones are more violent...
... the two of you are cracking me up!!!I can't believe you guys! You are living a dream! way to go!!!!
those monkeys would make me crap my pants! well actually they wouldn't because I would have never gotten out of a car to be near something like that! gotta love it though!!!!
best of luck you happy travelers!
Rebecca Dulgarian (Box)
That was the scariest/craziest thing I have ever seen. You guys are nuts!
What cheeky little monkeys. It makes me laugh to imagine you guys spinning around so fast to get those monkeys off your back!
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