Holy Hell! So we are cheap...okay we admit that. Here is an example of just how cheap... So we we caught the subway from Hong Kong, to the China border.. 5 bucks each. We walk into China and go to buy our 30 dollar tickets on the "Hard Seats" on the 18 hour train up to Shanghai to meet Dirk. Well... while in line, we were told that the seats for 30 dollars were sold out, but we could either go the next day (wouldnt work, cause we had arrangments for that day) or we could pay 20 bucks more each for better seats that weren't sold out. So we were bummed.. and kept asking for the 30 dollar seats... Finally, two tickets popped up on the screen that said 30 dollar! So we were stoked... but the guy started laughing...then the lady behind him in the booth started laughing. Then the people in line next to us started laughing. We asked what was so funny and they said that they would sell it to us, but we wouldnt have a seat...we would have to STAND the whole trip! Haha... So we figured.. might as well... ! Little did we know it would freakin suck! But really, it was awesome. We got to stand for like 3 hours, until I was so sick of standing I just sat on the floor in the middle of the isle and made everybody walk over me. Its not like everybody just sits quietly.. people are constantly up and about walking around. And there are tons of other people too standing the whole way. So the train is packed. And we are the only white people. Not in the whole car, but on the whole train! Seriously. So after a few mintues of me in everybodys way, the train lady brought out buckets for Rhett and me to sit on. This brought a loud uproar of laughter from all the Chinamen who we had yet to even see crack a smile! haha... After my butt fell asleep from sitting on that stupid bucket I just said forget it... and layed in the side of the isle on the floor! We hardly got any sleep at all and were probably the most uncomfortable and cranky we'd been the whole trip! Wayne Shmerler (sorry wayne, dont know how to spell that one) picked us up from the train and he and his wife Sherry treates us like Kings with our own beds and Pancakes and eggs! We crashed for 9 hours all day at his house! Lets just say on the train to Beijing we definately are either buying seats earlier.. OR, we are kicking some asian out of his seat!

When I moved to the floor the lady behind me stole my bucket

These kids were so cute. Rhett was showing them footage of us surfing Fiji on our Camera and they were freaking out...it was so funny. Like 5 Chinese guys were up and looking at it...

This is Wayne and Sherrys place... Nice. The trees you see are the border of the Shanghai Zoo. They used to be able to hear the lions and tigers roar at night!
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