Thursday, February 15, 2007


Well, Rhett tried for like 2 hours last night to upload some pictures and it just wasn't happening. I think he is going to try again sometime soon, so this will just be a filler to let everybody know that we are alive and kickin. The past two weeks of our lives have pretty much been one huge party. Let me give you a typical day. We wake up around 10 or 11 and eat breakfast, study the scrips, lounge around... Around 12 or 1 somebody will usually come pick us up, or we'll go out by ourselves for a surf at one of the local beaches. We'll get home around 5 or 6 and eat a feast with the Crouch Family. After dinner we'll have a pool party, and visit with all the random people in the house. From the pool we'll usually make our way to the pool table or the dinner table for our competative pool or card tournaments. From there we'll have our daily desert of pie and icecream and watch a movie until about 2 or 3 in the morning. After the movie we'll have family scripture study with whoever is still somewhat coherent. Then off to bed and up the next day for another day of who knows what. We've met some of the coolest kids ever that have really taken us into their little "group". The other day we went to some of the coolest waterfalls, and hikes we've seen yet. (I think Rhett will post some pics) We had a planning meeting yesterday and planned out the rest of our trip here in New Zealand. We honestly need more hours in the days and days in the weeks for all that we want to do before we leave. Surf trips and campouts and temples and lakes and dirtbikes seem to be our upcoming events, but don't worry.... you'll be the first ones we tell! Well, we love you. Yup...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that, life isn't usually/always like that at the Crouches. Over the Christmas period and January, New Zealand basically shuts down and everyone is in holiday mode. So that is why we had the energy and ability to accomodate such a lifestyle. Actually that time of year is like that generally (just without you...:o) But the harsh realities of work and school hit us about mid Feb after all the birthdays. By the time you boys left us Brad was about falling asleep in front of patients and I had rashes. You did take it out of us that's for sure, (and we were like willing lambs to the slaughter). But as we said it was wonderful and we are not going to cry about it.