So the Crouches told us that we could take their kayaks and paddle around the harbour. We were stoked cause they said that the paddle was "absolutley beautiful". Well, the view was pretty, but because of our "Tongathathon paddle from heaven" it wasn't anything "absolutley beautiful". So after about 7 minutes we were pretty bored. So we decided, among other things, to see if we could paddle around and climb up some of the bigger boats and do flips and gainners off them without getting caught. From there, we couldn't believe what we saw. It was this huge old abonded ship. It was immediately tittled The Ghost Ship as we headed towards it to see how we could climb it and explore. After two paddles around the ship we decided the only way to get into the Ghost Ship was climb the anchor chain, pirates of the carribean style. So we tied our kayaks to the anchor chain and climbed. Rhett was the first up, while I stayed back to take some pictures. Once we got on, we spent the next hour climbing and exploring. It was so funny... while we were down in the second level, Rhett went off ahead, and saw a small doorway that lead to a room. While he was opening the door, he called back..."This is probably where they keep the dead bodies." Then, as he opened the door I heard him scream/laugh out and say, "Austin! Check this out!" I thought for sure he'd found a dead body! Not quite a dead body, but he did find a huge bottle of POISON! haha, for real, we got pictures to prove it! It was pretty funny. Who has bottles of poison laying around? A Ghost Ship, thats who. After a few more rooms we jumped off, and paddled back. Brad had let us drive his truck and trailer down to the harbour. It was way nice of him. When we got back we went out to a Joseph Smith Musical performance put on by the YSA. It was really good. A few of the kids living here were in it. We were really impressed. From there, just church and surfing, and the usual feasts, movies, card tournaments, and late night scripture studies. We'll keep you posted on our upcoming adventures...

This is Papa Crouch, Mum, and Becky. Becky just got home from Japan for a year and got the fam some outfits. They are so funny. Brad spends most of his free time finding ways to make fun of Rhett and me. We love it! And he loves the witty insults shot back at him by US.
The Ghost Ship Flip is awesome! And I think that you got some good footage of a ghost orb flying next to your butt.....Sweet.....
i am loving all of these posts! you boys are out of control. keep it up.
love ya, rach
i thought that you were trying to blur out rhetts butt crack but ghost orb totally makes more sence! these pictures are so cool!
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