More China... While we were there we met Vivian, definatley my most favorite Chinese person that I met. She was soo funny. She spoke perfect English and was a Chinese Native, so she would translate for us to all the vendors and random Chinese we saw...
This girl just liked Rhett and wanted his picutre
Vivian on the Left Translating for Me
Shang Hai Skate Park... Biggest skate park in the world and its free and EMPTY!
Vivian taught me how to ask a girl if she had a boyfriend in Chinese... So I would do it just to amuse her... I never really knew what they responded, but it was all just for fun anyway...
"The Bund" - Downtown Shanghai
Pearl Shopping

This Lady Made your Peals! (well put them on the bands...)
I had a crown cheering for me... Asian investors checking out the area come in groups to see the skate park. They have never seen skating before and didnt realize I was far from great... Hence the applause after my run..

So here's a funny story: This girl we met in McDonalds. We had just got off the train from Shanghai to Bejing and went into McDonalds for breakfast. We were planning to met our friends from New Zealand at the airport in like 5 hours. We werent sure we'd be able to stay with them because of room in their house but thought we should at least go and met them at the airport. Well, I noticed this Chinese girl "Jing Jing" looking over at us... So since I didnt know where the heck we were on the map I decided to go ask her if she knew where we were. Well, one thing led to another and she turned out to be very very helpful. haha. She ended up taking us all around Beijing for the day. She bought us drinks and taxi fare and a game of minature golf, and even our bus ride up to the airport! haha. When we got to the airport and met up with our friends we found out they didnt have room for us. So.... we called Jing Jing. Sure enough she had us sleep at her and her brothers house! haha. She bought us dinner, and paid for some of our taxi and even bought our train ticket the next day down to our frineds in Tin Jian! Haha.. we have no idea why she was so good to us... and no matter how hard we tried to turn down her hospitality it wouldnt due. She just payed and payed and payed! haha. Who would have thought we'd get all of that from a random girl we met in McDonalds the same day!

This is us eating dinner with her brother and friends. It was really good...
We hitched in the back of a moving van...